This routine checks if the binding handle passed with the routine has an entry name in the name service database. 这个例程检查传递的绑定句柄在名称服务数据库中是否有相应的条目名称。
This routine resolves the syntax to be used for entry and then converts the entry passed into the name service representation. 这个例程解析条目使用的语法,然后把传递的条目转换为名称服务表示。
When a global variable is referenced within a DML SQL statement or within a trigger, view or routine, a dependency on the fully-qualified global variable name is recorded for the statement or object. 如果DMLSQL语句、触发器、视图或例程内引用了一个全局变量,将为语句或对象记录关于完全限定全局变量名的依赖关系。
Because$ { variables} were used, the routine will differ based on the$ { name},$ { user},$ { date}, and$ { time} the routine was generated. 因为${variables}被使用,根据${name}、${user}、${date}和${time},将生成不同的例程。
Std:: string root_name(): Given a path that begins from the root of the file system, this routine returns a string that contains the first character of the PATHNAME. stringrootname():在给定从文件系统根目录开始的路径的情况下,此例程将返回包含PATHNAME的第一个字符的字符串。
Use SET_ROUTINE_OPTS procedure call before the creation of SQL PL procedures creation to associate the profile name with the specific SQL PL for DB2 V8 FP13+, or DB2 V9 FP1+. 在创建SQLPL过程之前,使用SETROUTINEOPTS过程调用将概要文件的名称与DB2V8FP13+或DB2V9FP1+中特定的SQLPL相关联。
This routine is used to get the name service entry from the name service database, given a binding handle. 这个例程用于根据给定的绑定句柄从名称服务数据库获取名称服务条目。
This routine establishes a name service database entry with multiple binding handles or object UUIDs for a server. 这个例程使用服务器的多个绑定句柄或对象UUID建立一个名称服务数据库条目。